My dream self.
I wake at dawn and rise gracefully with beautiful hair and shining eyes. I have a stunning in bed outfit made by a top designer who acquired one of my new fabric ranges. Of course my sleep-wear compliments my near perfect body and I never get tangled in it. The flaws I have only make me more ravishing. There is a gentle rain, to be followed by bright sunshine and a gentle breeze.Coffee is waiting for me and the bread fairies have visited leaving fresh bread. I encourage the chickens and the cow out of my way to peg out my perfect white sheets. My daughter kisses me good morning, she can read perfectly and has spent an organised and prompt visit in the bathroom and looks neat and respectable, ready to trot off to school with all her homework done.
Then with coffee in my hand I approach my summer house. This is where I work. I open the large double doors and enter a huge room with computers and screens banked high. The loud hum of their hard drives is counteracted with a clever device so it is a pleasant place to be and I can hear the chickens scratching outside.
I check my renders that I started last night, the renders are all perfect, I have such a mastery of light that they are like visual chocolate.
My email light is on – there have been sales in the night – yes a steady 1000 sales while I sleep. Lovely. Those emails begging to know what I’m working on next will have to answered – that might be a bit tedious, but hey you can’t have it all and these sort of burdens are character building.
The reality.
Actually reading that back now, if life was like that, I wouldn't be me! Chaos follows me like a little excited piddling puppy. It starts when I wake – usually when I find myself in some sort of knot, with myself or my bedclothes. This makes me stroppy for about half a second and then I laugh out loud. That is how I start my day – laughing at my own incompetence at not being able to lie down in an orderly fashion. I am pretty much the opposite of everything on that dream and I love the frantic energy that a bit of chaos brings.
OK so when I have got to my computers – I do check the graphics and then I do some meeting and greeting with my Twitter and get inspired on Pinterest while I have the biggest coffee you have ever seen. Then it’s a check through my to do list which was prepared the previous night and get down to some website maintenance, graphic setups, client chasing and all the fun things you need to do in a little business.
I enjoy my life a lot and if it was all too perfect like that first rendition I’d quite frankly be bored and smug but one day I’d realise it and I’d run away with a circus to compensate.