Just had a bit of a nightmare changing my blogger template but nearly knocked it into shape now. I have lost some of my gadgets but it is good to have a clear out and have the fun of adding them in again!
In the meantime I have some sky stencils that you can use in artrage these are easy to use to get them off the blog simply right click and either put them straight into your artrage stencil area or enter the stencil area and add them from th folder you left them in. These are .png files. Feel free to use them for art privately or commercially but please do not give them away or sell them -- I did make then and I made them so people come and get to know me and some of the things I do and so they can share that - if you want to generous then send them here - or make something of your own and give it away.
I'd love to know if anyone has used these - Blurt regularly ises and tests my filters -- she is 3 - nearly 4 and can use most features of artrage un assisted -- she is very fond of stencils -- and likes to make the glitter multi coloured.
If this is the first time you have read this blog -- it isn't always about srtrage or about free things - I am having fun at the moment though with it -- do join in.
Don't forget that you can flip, rotate, resize and invert artrage stencils and put them on top of each other - very flexible.